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Среднемесячные цены на важнейшие виды минерально-сырьевой продукции в 3-4 кв 2011 г

# Статья из библиотеки


????????? «?????????????? ???? ?? ????????? ???? ??????????-???????? ?????????» ????????? ????????????? ?????????????-?????????????? ?????? «???????» ?????? «????????????» ??? ?????????? ? ?????? ???????? ??? «???????» – ??????????? «??????????? ??????? ????. ??????????», ???????? «??????? ??????????-???????? ????????» ?? ????? ????? ? «????? ???????? ??????? ??????????-????????? ?????????».

????????? ???????? ?????????? ? ?????????????? ????? ?? ??????, ???????????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ?????, ??????? ?????????? ? ????????? ????????????? ???? ?????? «???????», ????????? ? ?????????????? ? ??????????? ?????????????-????????????? ?????? ?????? «????????????». ??????????????, ??? ??? ?????????? ????? ???? ??????? ???????????? ??????????????? ? ??????? ????????, ???????????? ???????? ??????- ? ???????????? ????????? ????????? ??????????? ?????? ???????????? ?????.

??? ??????????? ????????? ??????????? ??? ?????????? ??????????, ????????? ??????????? ???????? ? ????? ?? ??????????? ?????, ?????? ?? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ???????, ? ? ????? ????????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ?????????????? ?????????? ??????????. ? ???? ??????? ?????????????? ???? ?????????? ????????????? ?????? «???????», ? ????? ? ?????????? ? ??????? ??????? ????????: «?????? ??? «???????» ?? ??????.».

? ????????? ???????????? ????????? ???????, ??????????? ? ???????? ? ??????????? ??????????. ?????????? ???????? ?????? ?? ???, ? ???????????? ?? «???????? ????????????? ????????», ?????????????? ?? ????? «????24.ru» (http://glossary.bank24.ru), ? ? ??????????? ????????????? ???????, ?.: ?????-?, 1998, ????????? ? ???????.

??????????? ????????? ??????????? ????????, ???????????? ? ?????????

?????? ????????? ? ??????????? ??????? ???????????
???? ???? spot (????.) – ???????? ????? ????, ?? ??????? ???????? ????? ???????? ? ??????????? ???????
???? ?????? franko (????.) – ????????? ? ???? ???????? ??????? ???????? ?? ???????? ?????? ?? ??????, ?????????? ????? ????? «??????» (??????-?????, ??????-?????, ??????-????? ??????????)
???? FOB FOB (????. free on board) – ????????
?? ????? (?? ??, ??? ??????-?????)
? ???? ???????? ??????? ???????? ?? ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ?????, ? ????? ?????????? ??????? (??? ????????? ?????? ?????)
???? CAF ?AF (????. cost and freight) – ????????? ? ????? ? ???? ???????? ??????? ???????? ?? ???????? ?????? ? ?????, ??? ??? ?????? ?????????? (??? ???????? ?? ??????????? ?????)
???? CFR CFR (????. cost and freight) – ????????? ? ????? ? ???? ???????? ??????? ???????? ?? ???????? ?????? ? ???? ???????? (??? ???????? ?? ??????????? ?????). ?????? ??????????? ?????? ? ?????????? ? ????????? ?? ???? ??? ?? ?????
???? CIF CIF (????. cost, insurance, freight) – ?????????, ???????????, ????? ? ???? ???????? ??? ??????? ???????? ?? ????????? ??????, ?????? ?????????? ?????? ? ??????????? ?????, ?????? ?? ???????? ?????? ??????????

???????? ?????????????? ??? (????) ?? ???????? ????? ??????, ???./????.

?????, ???????? ???????? 2011
07 08 09 10 11 12
????? "?????", ????? ??????????????, FOB 116,46 110,08 110,88 109,47 110,5 107,91
????? "?????", ??????????? ??????, ????? ???????????? ????, FOB 114,73 109,49 111,5 108,39 110,65 107,6
????? ?????????, ???? ????? (???), FOB 109,98 105,06 106 103,67 108,59 106,22
????? ???????????????? ???????, ????? ????? ????? (???), FOB 97,31 86,32 85,58 86,41 97,12 98,56
????? ???????, ??????? ????? 107,92 100,49 100,82 99,85 105,41 104,23

?????????: [1; 2; 3; 4; 51; 52; 53]

???????? ?????????????? ??? ?? ????????? ???

???????? ???????? 2011
07 08 09 10 11 12
????? ???, Hub Henry, ????, ???./??? ??? 4,41 4,05 3,90 3,57 3,24 3,16
????? ??????, ??????? ??????????? ????, ??????-???????, ???./??? ??? 10,99 10,81 10,85 11,42 11,32 11,53
????? ??????, ??????? ????????, ??????????? ???? ?? ?????????? ???, ??????-???????, ???./???.???.? 403,2 400,0 400,0 436,0 432,7 436,0
????? ??????*, CIF, ???????????, ???./??? ??? 16,22 16,40 16,50 16,48 16,80 16,50
????? ??????*, ??????????? ???? ?? ????????????? ???, ???./???.? 342,7 342,7 342,7 370,3 370,3 370,3


* – ????????? ????????? ??? (???)

?????????:[18; 19; 41; 42; 51; 53]

???????? ?????????????? ??? (????) ?? ?????????????? ?????, ???./?

???????? ???????? 2011
07 08 09 10 11 12
??? (?????????-????????-?????????), CIF 123,49 124,81 123,49 119,49 115,47 111,58
??????? (?????????), FOB 121,06 120,71 123,26 119,48 114,5 112,28
???? ???????-??? (???), FOB 116,49 118,26 116,28 110,66 105,86 104,23

?????????: [6; 7]

???????? ?????????????? ??? (????) ?? ????? ?????? ?? ???????? ?????????? (U3O8) ?? ??????? ?????, ???./????

07 08 09 10 11 12
51,5 49 52,5 52 51,75 51,75

?????????: [45; 46; 47; 48; 49; 50]

???????? ?????????????? ??? ?? ???????? ????????????? 99,7% ? ??????? ?? ?????????? ????? ????????, ??? (????) ?? ??????? ????????????????
? ??? (????) ?? ???????, ????????????? ? ?????, ???./?

????? 2011
07 08 09 10 11 12
????????,???? 2313,41 2392,16 2296,31 2171,85 2073,15 2021,48
????????, ????, ????????? 2512 2392,66 2296,68 2172,21 2073,55 2021,78
????????, ? ????????? ????? 3 ?????? 2542,3 2288,39 2332,47 2200,78 2093,58 2031,95
??????? ????????????????, ????? ?????????, FOB 379 372 366 355 332 309
???????, ????? ?????, CIF 44,8 46,25 47,05 46,6 ... ...

?????????: [8; 9; 10; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28]

???????? ?????????????? ??? (????) ?? ?????????????? ???? ????? "?" ?? ?????????? ????? ????????, ???./?

07 08 09 10 11 12
9619,24 9041,3 8314,84 7347,5 7551,77 7567,55

?????????: [26; 27; 28]

???????? ?????????????? ??? (????) ?? ?????????????? ?????? ?? ?????????? ????? ????????, ???./?

07 08 09 10 11 12
23731,19 22083,86 20392,05 18886,43 17882,05 18153,5

?????????: [23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28]

???????? ?????????????? ??? (????) ?? ?????????????? ?????? ?? ?????????? ????? ????????, ???./?

07 08 09 10 11 12
2682,04 2404,09 2297,9 1948,25 1981,6 2018,59

?????????: [23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28]

???????? ?????????????? ??? (????) ?? ?????????????? ???? ?? ?????????? ????? ????????, ???./?

07 08 09 10 11 12
2389,99 2211,33 2076,4 1858,78 1915,69 1915,86

?????????: [23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28]

???????? ?????????????? ??? (????) ?? ?????????????? ????? ? ??????????? ??????????? Sn 99,85% ?? ?????????? ????? ????????, ???./?

07 08 09 10 11 12
27302,38 24411,82 22645,12 21782,15 21245,34 19416,13

?????????: [23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28]

???????? ?????????????? ??? (????) ?? ???????? (? ????? ??????????? ?????? ? 57-63% Mo) ?? ?????????? ????? ????????, ???. ?? 1 ?? ?????????

07 08 09 10 11 12
32,24 32,58 31,61 28,86 29,77 29,43

?????????: [23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28]

???????? ?????????????? ??? (????) ?? ???????????? ? ????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????????, FOB ????? ?????????, ???./?

????? 2011
07 08 09 10 11 12
???????????? ??????????, ?? ????? 54% TiO2, ??????? 140 195 195 195 195 195
????????? ?????????? ??????????? ?????, ?? ????? 95% TiO2, ??????? 1060 1060 1060 1350 1350 1350
????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????, ?? ????? 95% TiO2, ? ?????? 1324 1474 1350 1474 1474 1474

?????????: [11; 12, ?.74; 13, ?.66-67; 14, ?.82-83; 15, ?.58-59; 16, ?.62, 69; 17, ?.58-59]

???????? ?????????????? ??? (????, ???? ?? ??????? ????) ?? ????????? ?????, ???./??

?????, ???????? ???????? 2011
07 08 09 10 11 12
????? ????????, ??? TG-Tv, ?????????????????? "?????????" ????? 10,56 10,14 10,02 8,93 7,7 7,13
????? ????????, ??? TG 100 (12?25 ??), ??????????? ?????? 1 ?????, ????? ??????, ???? ??????????? 10,25 10,25 10,25 10,75 10,75 11,9
??????????, 70% Ti (?? ????? 4,5% Al), ????? ??????, ? ????????? ? ??????, FCA 8,68 8,96 8,53 7,82 7 7,2
????????? ???, ??????? ??????????????, ??? 90/60/4, (?? ????? 0,5% Sn), ????? ??????????????, ??????-????? 6,29 6,34 5,9 5,12 4,85 4,85

?????????: [5, ?.23; 29; 30; 31; 32; 33; 34]

???????? ?????????????? ??? (????) ?? ?????? ??????? ??????????, ???????, ???./? (???? ?? ??????? ????)

???????? ???????? 2011
07 08 09 10 11 12
????? ????, CFR 3550 3550 3550 3050 3050 3050
????? ????????? ???????, CIF 2701 2701 2701 3200 3200 3200
????? ???????? ??????, CIF, ????/? ? 3045 3045 3045 3005 3005 3005
????? ???, CIF 3020,5 3020,5 3020,5 3020,5 3020,5 3020,5

?????????: [11; 13, ?.67, 81; 14, ?.83; 15, ?.59; 16, ?.63; 17, ?.59]

???????? ?????????????? ??? (????) ?? ?????? ?? ?????????? ????? ??????????? ????????, ???./?

07 08 09 10 11 12
50,5 56,52 57,11 53,59 55,87 53,14

?????????: [22]

???????? ?????????????? ??? (????) ?? ??????? ?? ?????????? ????? ??????????? ????????, ???./???????? ?????

07 08 09 10 11 12
37,92 40,3 38,15 31,97 33,08 30,41

?????????: [20; 21]

???????? ?????????????? ??? (????) ?? ?????????? ?? ?????????? ????? ??????? ? ????????, ???./?

????? 2011
07 08 09 10 11 12
??????? 56,54 58,04 56,33 49,37 51,33 47,14
???????? 25,34 24,55 22,86 19,81 20,16 20,68

?????????: [43; 44]

???????? ?????????????? ??? ?? ??????????? ?????, ???/?

?????, ???????? ???????? 2011
07 08 09 10 11 12
?????????? ?????????? ?????????????????, 99,5% ????? 4 ??, ??????? ?????? ?????? ????? 0,95 ??, ???????????, ????? ????, CFR 1250 1250 2775 2775 2775 2775
?????????? ?????????? "???????", 66% ZrO2, ??????????? ?????????, ???????, ????, ????? ?????????, FOB 2600 2600 2600 2570 2570 2570
?????????? ?????????? "???????", 66% ZrO2, ??????????? ???, ???????, ????, ????? ???, FOB 2700 2700 2700 2800 2800 2800
?????????? ?????????? "????????", 65% ZrO2, ??????????? ?????????, ???????, ????, ????? ?????????, FOB 2300 2300 2300 2500 2500 2500
?????????? ?????????? "????????", 65% ZrO2, ??????????? ???, ???????, ????, ????? ???, FOB 2522,5 2522,5 2522,5 2650 2650 2650
?????????? ??????????, 65% ZrO2, ??????????? ???, ????, ????? ???, FOB 1550 1550 2225 2475 2475 2475
???????? ??????? ????????? ???????????, ????????????-??????????? ?????, ???????????, ????? ??????, CIF 7000 7000 7150 7150 7150 7150

?????????: [11; 13, ?.67; 14, ?.83; 15, ?.59; 16, ?.63; 17, ?.59]

???????? ?????????????? ??? (????) ?? ?????? ?????????????? ????????? ??????????? ????? ?? ????????? ?????, FOB, ???./??

????? 2011
07 08 09 10 11 12
?????? ????? (99,99%) 178,9 181,6 160,5 ... ... ...
????? ????? (99%) 156,9 132,2 92,3 75 75 65
??????? ????? (99%) 153,6 142,6 94,1 80 82,5 72,5
??????? ????? (99%) 5870 5070 4386 4050 4050 3800
??????? ????? (99%) 327,5 336,9 278,1 280 290 240
?????????? ????? (99%) 247,3 248,5 230,7 222,5 227,5 210

?????????: [35; 36; 37; 38; 39; 40]

???????? ?????????????? ??? (????) ?? ????????? ???????, ???./?

???????? ???????? 2011
07 08 09 10 11 12
????? ??????-???????? ??????, CAF 1180 1220 1220 1220 1225 1230
????? ?????, CAF 1020 1050 1050 1080 1080 1080

?????? ??? «???????» ?? ?????? ???? ? «??? ????, N, P ? K»

???????? ?????????????? ??? (????) ?? ????????? ????????? (???????), ???./?

?????, ???????? ???????? 2011
07 08 09 10 11 12
?????????, ????? ?????, CAF 612 612 612 677 670 660
?????????, ????? ???????? ??????, FOB 680 698 700 693 680 655
?????????, ????? ????????????? ??????, FOB 650 668 670 623 610 598
?????????, ????? ???, FOB 660 680 680 640 635 628
???????, ????? ???, FOB 660 680 680 653 645 633

?????? ??? «???????» ?? ?????? ???? ? «??? ????, N, P ? K»

????????? ??????????:

  1. ???. ???????? ???????. ?????? ??: ??????? ???? ?? ????? ????? Urals ?? ??????-?????? 2011?. ????????? 109,49 ????./????. http://quote.rbc.ru. 1.12.2011.
  2. ???. ???????? ???????. ?????? ??: ??????? ???? ????? ????? Urals ?? ??????-?????? 2011?. ????????? 109,21 ????./????. http://quote.rbc.ru. 1.09.2011.
  3. ??? "???????". ?????????. ????????????? ???? ????? Urals ??????? ? 2011 ???? ? 1,4 ????. http://ria.ru. 25.01.2012.
  4. ??? "???????". ?????????. ???? ????? Urals ? ??????? ??????? ???? ?? $108,4. http://ria.ru. 1.11.2011.
  5. ???????????. 2011. ? 12.
  6. globalCOAL. Coal Brokers. Monthly Index. http://www.globalcoal.com. 13.10.2011.
  7. globalCOAL. Coal Prices. Free Coal Prices. https://www.globalcoal.com. 2011, December.
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  9. Harbor Intelligence. Aluminum Market Analysis & Price Outlook. Spot International Alumina Prices. Daily Alumina Prices. January 04, 2000 - September 14, 2011. http://www.harboraluminum.com. 14.09.2011.
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  12. Industrial Minerals. 2011. # 526.
  13. Industrial Minerals. 2011. # 528.
  14. Industrial Minerals. 2011. # 529.
  15. Industrial Minerals. 2011. # 530.
  16. Industrial Minerals. 2011. # 531.
  17. Industrial Minerals. 2011. # 532.
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  20. Kitco. Charts & Data. Historical Charts. Silver. London Fix 2011 Jan-Sep. http://www.kitco.com. 1.10.2011.
  21. Kitco. Charts. London Fix Historical. Silver. 2011 Jan-Dec. http://www.kitco.com. 2011, December.
  22. LBMA (The London Bullion Market Association). Statistics. Historical Statistics. Gold Fixings. 2011 Monthly Gold Averages. http://www.lbma.org.uk. 31.03.2011.
  23. London Metal Exchange. Average official & settlement prices for the month of August 2011. https://secure.lme.com. 2011.
  24. London Metal Exchange. Average official & settlement prices for the month of December 2011. http://www.lme.com. 2012.
  25. London Metal Exchange. Average official & settlement prices for the month of July 2011. https://secure.lme.com. 23.09.2011.
  26. London Metal Exchange. Average official & settlement prices for the month of November 2011. http://www.lme.com. 2011.
  27. London Metal Exchange. Average official & settlement prices for the month of October 2011. http://www.lme.com. 2011.
  28. London Metal Exchange. Average official & settlement prices for the month of September 2011. http://www.lme.com. 30.09.2011.
  29. Metal-Pages. Historical Metal Prices. Ferro-titanium min Ti 70% d.u. (EU). 2011, January-July. https://www.metal-pages.com. 2011.
  30. Metal-Pages. Historical Metal Prices. Ferro-titanium min Ti 70% d.u. (EU). 2011, January-October. https://www.metal-pages.com. 2011.
  31. Metal-Pages. Historical Metal Prices. Titanium Sponge TG-Tv or equivalent free market. 2011, January-July. https://www.metal-pages.com. 2011.
  32. Metal-Pages. Historical Metal Prices. Titanium Sponge TG-Tv or equivalent free market. 2011, January-October. https://www.metal-pages.com. 2011.
  33. Metal-Pages. Historical Metal Prices. Titanium Turnings (90/6/4) 0,5% max Sn DDP (EU). 2011, January-July. https://www.metal-pages.com. 2011.
  34. Metal-Pages. Historical Metal Prices. Titanium Turnings (90/6/4) 0,5% max Sn DDP (EU). 2011, January-October. https://www.metal-pages.com. 2011.
  35. Metal-Pages. Historical Rare Earths prices. Ce Oxide 99% min, FOB China (CN). https://www.metal-pages.com. 2011, September.
  36. Metal-Pages. Historical Rare Earths prices. Eu Oxide 99% min, FOB China (CN). https://www.metal-pages.com. 2011, September.
  37. Metal-Pages. Historical Rare Earths prices. La Oxide 99% min FOB China (CN). https://www.metal-pages.com. 2011, September.
  38. Metal-Pages. Historical Rare Earths prices. Nd Oxide 99% min, FOB China (CN). https://www.metal-pages.com. 2011, September.
  39. Metal-Pages. Historical Rare Earths prices. Pr Oxide 99% min, FOB China (CN). https://www.metal-pages.com. 2011, September.
  40. Metal-Pages. Historical Rare Earths prices. Y Oxide 99,999% min, FOB China (CN). https://www.metal-pages.com. 2011, September.
  41. Steelonthenet.com. Steelmaking Commodity Prices. http://www.steelonthenet.com. 21.01.2012.
  42. Steelonthenet.com. Steelmaking Commodity Prices. http://www.steelonthenet.com. 4.10.2011.
  43. The London Platinum and Palladium Market. Fixing Statistics. Palladium Fixing. 2011 Monthly Averages. http://www.lppm.com. 2012, January.
  44. The London Platinum and Palladium Market. Fixing Statistics. Platinum Fixing. 2011 Monthly Averages. http://www.lppm.com. 2012, January.
  45. The Ux Consulting Company, LLC. Ux Month-end Spot Prices as of August 29, 2011. http://www.uxc.com. 2011.
  46. The Ux Consulting Company, LLC. Ux Month-End Spot Prices as of December 26, 2011. http://www.uxc.com. 2012.
  47. The Ux Consulting Company, LLC. Ux Month-End Spot Prices as of July 25, 2011. http://www.uxc.com. 3.08.2011.
  48. The Ux Consulting Company, LLC. Ux Month-End Spot Prices as of November 28, 2011. http://www.uxc.com. 2011.
  49. The Ux Consulting Company, LLC. Ux Month-End Spot Prices as of October 31, 2011. http://www.uxc.com. 2011.
  50. The Ux Consulting Company, LLC. Ux Month-End Spot Prices as of September 26, 2011. http://www.uxc.com. 2011.
  51. The World Bank. Development Prospects. Commodity Price Data. http://siteresources.worldbank.org. 5.01.2012.
  52. US Energy Information Administration. World Crude Oil Prices. http://www.eia.gov. 2011, October.
  53. World Bank. Development Prospects. Commodity Price Data (Pink Sheet). http://siteresources.worldbank.org. 2011, September.